Somatic Intersubjective Self Psychology Training Course 2026 – 2027

Sandra Lauffenburger and Olivia Wilson warmly invite you to participate in a training opportunity that integrates theoretical understanding of a contemporary psychodynamic framework with body/movement-oriented experiential skills and learning. We, ourselves, are theoretically informed by psychodynamic Self Psychology and Intersubjectivity Theory which we interweave with therapeutic somatic/movement/touch work.

Psychodynamic Self Psychology offers a developmental, affective, relational, intersubjective and non-pathologising approach to case formulation and treatment progression. Its theory will be presented, however, we believe that the most powerful way to understand theory is through exploring one’s own bodily experience, individually and while in relationship with another.  Equally, we believe that the most powerful way to work with a client’s embodied emotional experience requires the same types of personal and dyadic explorations.

The intent of this training is to increase capacity and confidence in being more present with ourselves and to our clients’ dynamic self-states, as well as being able to ‘map’, understand and respond to the intersubjective experience of being with our client(s) over time. 

This is currently the only training program in the ACT, and possibly in Australasia, where therapists have the opportunity to explore working in a psychodynamic framework using body-oriented and somatic understanding and involving somatic experience, movement and touch.

This training will occur IN PERSON only over two years of four (two day) weekends per year.  Effective training requires building a relationally safe, respectful, non-shaming and confidential group space. Therefore, in order to create a cohesive and safe group experience, a commitment to regular in-person attendance to all eight weekend workshops is required from those who wish to attend. 

This course may be of high interest for

  • Those working from somatically-oriented modalities or trauma-informed work.  The workshops will further inform and guide these practices within an over-arching developmental, relational, and trauma-informed framework.
  • Those coming from a psychodynamic and/or counselling practice will benefit from the inclusion of relational body/movement-oriented work.
  • Those experienced practitioners who will find this way of working especially helpful for the co-regulation of and responsiveness to profound and intense affect states. 
  • And all previous students are welcome to attend again as the course will provide an opportunity to deepen past understandings and consolidate new learnings as well as explore additional experiences of being with an other.

In our experience our approach, which uses the body/movement as part of a psychoanalytic psychodynamic framework and which we call Somatic Intersubjective Self Psychology, is profoundly helpful for mapping “where we are “and “what is needed next” with clients who present with unique and/or challenging affective states and needs.

If you are interested in joining this unique training and want to know more, please contact either of us:

Olivia Wilson    &    Sandra Lauffenburger